Genuine VAG Service Kit (All models***)
Genuine VW Group Service Kit
Consists of:
Genuine Oil Filter
Sump plug (or washer - engine dependant)
5L of Quantum 5W30 LLIII or 5W40 Platinum or Liqui Moly 5W40 or Petronas 5W40
All the 5W40's here are the same spec oils, just different brands - 505.01
5W30 is 504.00 507.00.
Quantum 0W20 is 508/509 spec.
Please makes sure you leave a valid reg in the box provided
***This kit applies for all VAG petrol and diesel vehicles up to and including 2.0L***
Note: There are a couple models that take more than 5L. Please find our other listing for additonal oil.